Outback Publications

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Outback Publications

Acknowledgement of Roger Steele’s contribution towards research in various outback publications, including:  

●   Kidman the Forgotten King, by Jill Bowen;
●   Not So Silent Sam, by Bobbie Buchanan;
●   Indigenus Economic Development in Northern Australia – Opportunities and Constraints, by Don Fuller and Lee Parker;
●   Payback at the Capricornia Casino, by Don Fuller;
●   Lamarck’s Evolution by Drs E J Steele, R A Lindley and R Blanden;  

References to Roger Steele and his involvement in Darwin / outback / pastoral / political life, in various publications, including:  

●   People of the Victoria River Region – An Album, by Pearl Ogden;
●   Keep the Branding Iron Hot, by Bobbie Buchanan (Pat Underwood);
●   Another Country, by Nicholas Rothwell;
●   Wind on the Cattle, by Pic Willets and Merice Briffa;
●   A Shared History – Aborigines and White Australians in the Victoria River District, NT by Darrell Lewis;
●   Chasing Last Light – Aerial Mustering 1968-1978, by Pearl Ogden;
●   From Humpty to Homestead, by Pearl Odgen;
●   Horsemen of the Outback, by Don J Corcoran;
●   Cowboy and His Acquaintances, by Pearl Ogden;
●   They’re Off! Horseracing in the North, by Pearl Ogden;
●   The Territory Party, The Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 1974-1998, by Alistair Heatley;
●   Point of Order, The Legislative Assembly of the NT, 1974-1994, by Dean Jaensch & Deborah Wade Marshall;
●   A Privileged Few by Jeff Hill;  

Roger Steele has written the Forward / Introduction for the following outback publications: 

●   Not Without My Sons, by Lloyd Fogarty;
●   Nothing Prepared Me, by Edna Quilty;
●   The Boss Drover, by Annie Ingham;
●   Before Helicopters and Roadtrains by Luke McCall;
●   1998 Bronze Swagman Book of Bush Verse;
●   Horsebells and Hobblechains by Jeff Hill (publication contains a synopsis of Roger Steele’s life in the NT outback);
●   Wild Cattle, Wild Country, Annie Ingham and Ernie Rayner;

Contributions to Northern Territory (NT) Parliamentary debates including:

●   Numerous adjournment debate speeches (prepared for NT Chief Ministers) about NT unsung heroes;
●   Progress of the Chinese Community in the NT (written to commemorate the opening of new NT Parliament in 1994);

Copies of Horsebells and Hobblechains can be obtained from Drovers Camp, Camooweal (0747 482022)

Copies of Wild Cattle, Wild Country can be obtained from Pauline Rayner (0429 110444)